Author name: Anthony Kung

Scheduled Maintenance

Hello, just a heads up, our AMD Server Network is going for scheduled maintenance on August 20th, 2020 at 8AM UTC to 11 AM UTC. Affected services includes Anthonian Plesk Network, HAIL IGA Vault and others. This is to optimize the performance and security of the new network.

Status Update

Status Update: Service Interruption Reported, IGA Hosting services are not affected and are fully operational. Certain services were unavailable during the downtime from 1:06 PM UTC to 8:02 PM UTC (7 hours). The issue is fully resolved at this time.

COVID-19 Support

In light of recent events, the COVID-19 crisis seems to still have a long way to go before it ends. We understand that many businesses are greatly affected by this crisis as physical traffic reduces. We are lowering our rates to help to get these businesses to continue to operate online.

GDPR Update

By now, you’ve probably read dozens of emails exactly like this one, so we’ll keep it brief like shorts. Or briefs 😛

We’re updating our privacy policy in preparation for the EU’s General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) on 25th this month. Although these changes are spurred by European law, we think privacy is super important and so these changes will apply to everyone, no matter where you’re located.

registration, login, keyboard

What is a secure password and why is it important to have one?

Strong passwords are utterly important – they prevent unauthorized access to your electronic accounts and devices. If you choose a very complicated and long password, you will make it very difficult for a hacker to crack it, whether by a brute-force attack (i.e., trying every possible combination of numbers, letters or special characters) or an automated machine …

What is a secure password and why is it important to have one? Read More »

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